Give them what they need: relief.

My research-based framework removes the frustration of trying to comply with restrictive diet and fitness plans and teaches an adaptable method for participants to meet their individual needs with targeted reinforcements.
Keynotes and workshops are crafted for two specific groups:
✧ Businesses and associations striving to increase job satisfaction, productivity, and health resources for their workforce.
✧ Colleges and universities that want to help students ease overwhelm, study efficiently, and prepare for life beyond college.
Offer your community an unforgettable experience to build self-directed, healthy resources for the rest of their lives.

I have spoken at organizations and universities nationwide including Google, Vanderbilt University, the Nashville Women’s March, The University of the South at Sewanee, the Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition, Confluence, and the Girls to the Moon Conference.

"Sarah addresses not only nutrition and exercise obstacles but gives you a forum to work on root causes of self-sabotage and what's holding you back from success."
Katrina Kent
Vice President of Meetings and Event Strategy
Liberty Mutual Insurance

Corporate and University Workshops
These workshops help participants and organizations build versatile systems that can be modified over time for sustainable clarity, stress relief, and improved health outcomes.

Book clubs and bookstore events
Get a group together, and ask me your toughest questions! I love connecting with book clubs and doing bookstore events — virtually and in person.

If you are raising money or awareness for women's rights, equal justice, gun violence prevention, environmental protection, or animal rescue, I donate my time for these events.

"I met Sarah Hays Coomer after reading an article she wrote in Huffington Post. What a jewel. The attendees were pleased to learn that being healthy can be about finding relief, not “white knuckling” and controlling your behavior. Sarah presents a thoughtful, logical approach each of us can apply. Her mix of understanding, compassion, and education can be helpful to virtually anyone. I’m so glad I reached out to her and included her in our Annual Behavioral Health and Primary Care Integration Summit."
Marty Adelman
Behavioral Health Program Manager
Health Quality Partners of Southern California
Keynotes and Workshops
Keynote - Conferences and Associations
RELIEF BY DESIGN: A Self-Directed Practice for Well-Being
Keynote - Colleges and Universities
YOUR HEALTH, YOUR WAY: Adaptable Skills for College and Beyond
LET'S TALK STRESS RELIEF: How to Take the Pressure Off
MICRODOSING WELLNESS: How to Build A Practice of Healing Reinforcements
THE ANATOMY OF A HABIT: Leveraging the Science of Behavior Change

"Sarah is fantastic at finding out what students and faculty are thinking about and helping us understand how what we care about relates to personal and societal wellness. That would be enough, but she also helps us all move toward compassion, understanding, and peace. She is refreshingly upbeat and frank--so needed in these times!"
Sid Brown
Professor of Buddhism and Environmental Studies
The University of the South at Sewanee

How can I help your group?

Participants will learn:
Why creative, intelligent people struggle with "self-help"
The anatomy of a habit
How "bad" habits can be useful
The difference between structure and rules
What causes resistance to change and how to use that resistance to your advantage
How to put yourself in a position of power to ease chronic stress within the constraints of external challenges.
Tools they will walk away with:
A framework to identify control vs. relief
The AID Approach® for habit change
How to use a Gap Ritual® to increase confidence and quality of life
How to build a personalized menu of options for stress relief
5 ways to make habit changes stick
What a Rubik's Cube can teach us about easing chronic stress
EVENT PLANNERS: Please reach out for a detailed explanation of The AID Approach®, Gap Ritual®, and further keynote information.