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Are naps healthy? 😊 💤

Is sleeping in the middle of the day healthy or not??

Thanks to a Forbes Health reader, I got to research the following question this week:

👆 This is a super important question, especially as summer schedules fade and school and/or work routines kick back into high gear.

If you've ever wondered how naps impact everything else, in this column, we explore:

  • Is being tired in the afternoon normal?

  • Will naps keep you up at night or make you feel groggy during the day?

  • 5 benefits and 3 possible drawbacks of napping

  • How long should naps be?

  • 5 tips to take a great nap

Click here to read all the details and rest easy!

All the best,



Group Coaching Open Enrollment

We have a great group coming together for coaching this fall!

➡️ If you have had enough dieting, emotional eating, and unhelpful coping mechanisms...

➡️ and you would like to head into the holidays this year with adaptable, personalized, specific skills to strengthen your body, heal your relationship with food, and clear your head,

I hope you'll consider joining us!

This will be a safe, non-judgmental space, and working together in a group can be eye-opening. I hear common themes from my clients every day. In group coaching, you get the chance to hear how others have struggled with similar challenges and are breaking free—and to craft your unique way forward.

Enrollment for the last group coaching cohort of 2023 is open now! You can sign up through September 1st, but the group will close when it's full. (Maximum - 12 participants)

Questions? Just reply to this email. I'm here to help!


How Exercise Boosts Brain Power

We know exercise is good for our brains, but does it matter what kind?

The Washington Post reported recently on a pair of studies that showed moderate to intense exercise seems especially useful to increase production of BDNF, a molecule that functions like "miracle grow" for the brain.

One of the studies showed that after leisurely exercise, 6 minutes of high-intensity intervals (40 seconds at full capacity followed by 20 seconds of rest) caused that miracle grow to soar.

6 minutes!

What does that mean logistically?

It means if you're feeling foggy or distracted, high-intensity intervals might be especially helpful to help you focus or think more clearly.

Longer bouts of exercise can help as well, but if you're pressed for time, don't underestimate the power of a few quick intervals on a treadmill, bike, dancing in your living room, or heading outside with a great pair of sneakers.

Too hot outside? Check out these tips to make the most of a treadmill workout... or just skip the machine and crank up your favorite tunes.


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